What to Expect From Sedation Dentistry

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what to expect from sedation dentistry

Some people, especially young children, may be afraid of visiting the dentist. Sometimes a patient would rather suffer through a toothache than seek care from a dentist. Yet, by giving you sedatives before the dental operation, your dentist near you may be able to make you feel more at ease and relaxed.

Depending on your condition and the extent of the dental work, your dentist may suggest one of a number of sedative methods. Despite what you’ve heard, you still have some questions about how to enjoy a stress-free dentist visit. Among the methods dentists employ in sedation dentistry are:

1. Oral Sedation

Oral sedation can range from mild to moderate, depending on the total amount administered. You take a tablet for mild sedation. The Halcion pill, which belongs to the same pharmacological class as Valium, is often taken an hour prior to the procedure. Although you are awake, the tablet will make you sleepy. To achieve mild sedation, a higher dose may be administered. This kind of anesthetic is the one that is most frequently related to sedation dentistry. Some patients have moderate oral sedation to the point that they get sleepy throughout the treatment. They can, however, usually be woken up by gentle shaking.

2. IV Sedation

In a dental office setting, IV sedation dentistry in Okotoks is the deepest level of conscious sedation available to you. With an IV line, your healthcare professional administers sedative drugs directly to your bloodstream. Your dentist keeps an eye on your oxygen levels, blood pressure, and pulse rate while performing the procedure. At any time, they can change your dosage and, if necessary, switch to reversal medicine. The majority of patients who receive IV sedation for dental procedures fall asleep and awake with little to no memory of the procedure. The greatest candidates for this alternative are those who are going through extensive procedures or who have significant dental anxiety.

3. Nitrous Oxide

Nitrous oxide also referred to as “laughing gas,” is inhaled together with oxygen through a mask that is put over your nose. You can unwind with the gas. The level of sedation you receive can be managed by your dentist, and it usually wears off fast. You might be able to drive yourself home following the treatment with this type of anesthesia alone.

How Does Sedation Dentistry Work?

Dental sedation can be accomplished using a variety of methods, each of which has a particular purpose. Your dentist will select the most suitable one for your procedure based on a number of variables. Among these elements are:

  • The dental operation that is being done
  • Duration of the dental procedure
  • Your degree of worry.

Afterwards, with the help of a dentist in Okotoks, you can select any of the following sedative methods:

  • Patients who get minimal sedation are alert but relaxed. That also goes under the name of conscious sedation.
  • Mild sedation causes patients to be awake but may cause speech slurring and mild memory loss.
  • Those who are under deep sedation are nearly unconscious yet nonetheless cognizant enough to speak.
  • Patients under general anesthesia are completely unconscious.

Getting Sedation Dentistry in Okotoks

Sedation dentistry is not for everyone. Your dentist will go over all of your options in detail with you and assist you in making the decision that is best for your particular circumstance. Be aware that depending on their current degree of anxiety and the treatment they are having, many patients opt for varying amounts of sedation at different periods.

You can reach out to Cornerstone Dental Wellness if you have any questions. Our dentist will be able to help you with your dental needs, from restoring damaged teeth to replacing missing ones.